Base Color : Refers to the color on the sides and feet. (Ex, Lavender)
Pattern color : Refers to the color of the dorsal and patterns on the side (ex, Cream).
Lavender : Mostly refers to the base color, lavender can range from grays to browns.
Cream : A light colored creamy color. Usually seens as a pattern color.
Yellow : Often bundled with orange, refers mostly to base color.
Orange : Often bundled with yellow, refers mostly to the base color.
Blonde : A bright yellow usually seend on harlequins.
Olive : A greenish gray color that's usually seen as a base color.
Moonglow : A controversial morph, moonglows are white or pale gray when both fired and unfired.
Chocolate : A deep, rich brown color. Usually seen on harlequins.
Tangerine : An extra bright oragne, can be the both the ase and pattern color.
Red : Ranges from brick to soil in color. Usually a base color.
Black : A very dark lavender especially when fired up. Usually a base color.
Buckskin : A base and pattern color resembling the color of hide. Usually called a wild color.
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